Important Notes for Buyers/Sellers

Warning: The internet is a wild place! If your classified advertisement is posted on our website the information in it (including your first name, phone contact and email address) will be made public to the entire world. This includes lots of genuine buyers and sellers as well as, unfortunately, a small number of charlatans, scammers, spammers and other miscreants. You need to decide if you are prepared to accept this and take appropriate precautions when dealing with any responses you receive to your classified. Our Classifieds section is offered as a free service; it is your choice to take advantage of this service – or not. If you have any questions, or want some tips about securely dealing in the on-line world, please contact the Club Webmaster.

Classifieds Terms and Conditions

  1. The Club magazine, Per Sempre Alfa, includes a Classifieds section for buying, selling or swaping Alfa Romeo related items. This is a free service to both members and non-members, provided the classified is of a non-commercial nature. Classifieds placed in the Club Magazine may, at the discretion of the Club, be placed on this Club website.
  2. Commercial advertising (selling or seeking products or services) is not accepted as a Classified. Please contact the Committee Member responsible for magazine commercial advertising to place these type of notices in the Club magazine, Per Sempre Alfa.
  3. The Club reserves the right not to accept or publish any Classified submitted, or to only publish an edited version. Classifieds may be edited or removed from the magazine or website at any time by the Club.
  4. Classifieds will be published as one block of text; formatting such as bullet-points will not display. The first name of the seller, along with contact phone and email will be published. One photo may be uploaded when submitting a Classified. References or linking to external websites (such as is not permitted and will be stripped from any Classified submitted.
  5. Under Queensland law, you must obtain a Safety Certificate before disposing of a registered vehicle privately. After 1 September 2022, a registered vehicle may be offered or advertised for sale privately without a Safety Certicate, although a Safety Certificate must still be obtained prior to the sale or disposal.
  6. AROCA (Qld) takes no responsibility for the contents of any Classified nor any statements implied or expressed by advertisers, nor any transaction resulting from a listing. Buyers and Sellers should be aware that trading on the Internet comes with risks. Buyer and Sellers are to make their own determination as to the validity of items listed for sale or any offers made by potential purchasers. [Disclaimer]

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