How to Join
It couldn't be easier to join AROCA! All you need to be is an owner or regular driver of an Alfa Romeo. Our Club is governed by a Constitution, which you agree to follow when you join.
Membership Fees
The Membership Year runs from 1st July to 30th June. The initial fees for new members joining through the year are calculated on a pro-rata quarterly basis as shown below. After the initial year, the annual subscription renewal fee is the amount shown at Quarter 1.
The Club publishes a magazine for members. This magazine is distributed to members in both electronic (.PDF) form via eMail and as a paper copy via post. If you want to only receive your magazine via email, you can elect for a reduced annual membership fee.
Quarter You Join | Paper mag | eMail mag |
Quarter 1: July-August-September | AUD$75.00 | AUD$50.00 |
Quarter 2: October-November-December | AUD$56.25 | AUD$37.50 |
Quarter 3: January-February-March | AUD$37.50 | AUD$25.00 |
Quarter 4: April-May-June | AUD$18.75 | AUD$12.50 |
Applying for Membership
Download a PDF copy of the Membership Application form from this website, print the form, fill out your details and send it back to us. You can either scan your completed form and email it to us, or send it by normal post to:
AROCA (Qld) Inc.
PO Box 6190, Fairfield Gardens LPO,
Fairfield, Queensland, 4103, Australia
Payment for your membership must be received before your membership application can be processed. You can include a cheque with your membership application or pay by bank transfer directly into the Club bank account (preferred).
Payment can be by direct deposit to the following account - please list your surname in the description field so we can track your payment:
Bank of Queensland - BSB: 124021
A/C No: 90629538
If you need any help completing your membership, you can contact the Membership Secretary.
Membership Renewal
Membership fees fall due July each year. A reminder notice is usually sent out with the June issue of Per Sempre Alfa, but if you miss the notice, simply send your renewal money to the Club, either by cheque or, preferably, direct bank deposit into the Club account. Don't forget to include your surname or membership number.
Club Insurance Provisions
The Club holds Public Liability Insurance through our affiliation with Motorsport Australia. Details of this insurance policy can be found in the Motorsport Australia Insurance Program Handbook, available to download from the current insurer’s website via the Motorsport Australia website or directly at:
Concesssional Registration
The Queensland Government allows concessional registration for Special Interest Vehicles (SIV). The Club's Vehicle Dating Officer is able to assist Club Members with the required documentation to obtain this concession.