List of vehicles in Register

As a guest user, you can only view this basic summary list of vehicles in the Register. To access details of each vehicle, or to add a new vehicle, you must first join the Register. You do not need to be a member of an Alfa Romeo Owners Club, or even own an Alfa, to become a member of the Register.

380Alfetta GTV 2.0 coupe (1981 - 86)116
359Alfetta 2.0L sedan (1979 - 82)116
11Alfetta GTV 6 2.5 coupe (1982 - 86)116
360Alfetta GTV 2000 coupe (1977 - 81)116
48Alfetta GTV 6 2.5 Grand Prix coupe (1986 - 87)116
361Alfetta GTV 2.0 coupe (1981 - 86)116
79Giulietta 2.0 sedan (1984 - 85)116
339Alfetta 2000 sedan (1977 - 79)116
81Alfetta GTV 6 2.5 coupe (1982 - 86)116
127Alfetta 2.0L sedan (1979 - 82)116
295Alfetta GTV 6 2.5 coupe (1982 - 86)116
119Alfetta GTV 6 2.5 coupe (1982 - 86)116
20Alfetta GT coupe (1975 - 77)116
304Alfetta 2000 sedan (1977 - 79)116
138Alfetta GTV 2.0 coupe (1981 - 86)116
322Alfetta GTV 2.0 coupe (1981 - 86)116
105Alfetta GTV 2000 coupe (1977 - 81)116
386Alfetta GTV 6 2.5 coupe (1982 - 86)116
89Alfetta GTV 2000 coupe (1977 - 81)116
362Alfetta GTV 6 2.5 coupe (1982 - 86)116

Total records = 372 | Pages << < 5 6 7 [8] 9 10 11 > >>



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